torsdag 20. oktober 2011

Flight system security matters...

I have no clue at all about flight systems.

But I have a computer controller education.

I have seen many air crash investigations leading up to pilot error or system failure. And I really do not understand why some failure trap mask system is not included.

Like a wrong waypoint bacon entered. Why does not the flight controller enter the bacon wanted along with the flight crew, radio transmitting to validate the two and then giving a special alarm to both of the two as long as there would be a mismatch about it?

Why would there not be a 3D image of the ground ahead, with a calculation about nearest point to the following direction of nearest ground,aldo with an alarm for any wheels or flaps to contract in time before a ground hit moment of time?

Why cant electronic systems work together in at least 4 different systems to calculate any danger and to to force the action over the pilots, but still to let the pilot them self push a red button to overrun the system if things are too crazy to be true? - Or at least to make a climb fast command appear with an automatic signal to make any other plane around get lost ASAP!`?

Why is it so hard to let the electronic system count in lots and lots of possible events, and then to do it's very best of helping the pilots from making bad errors?

Nobody can say that this system is the best possible as for today. There are still and yet over and over again good shape modern planes going down simply by pilot errors, and nobody seem to be able to create electronic systems preventing just that!!

Even if flight speed is lost by ice and pilot action is oppose from the book, the system still are not able to tell the pilot what has happened and what goes wrong because of what bad interpretation of the situation and following bad action to it all.

The system obviously still do not tell in a very clear language what seem to be wrong and why, nor what to do to correct the situation as best as possible ASAP.

And there is no button to tell the system to take over to make the very best evaluated action according to the assumed possible even been going wrong while there is still time for the correct calculation to have been done and to follow before its all too late.  - IF the pilote recon that the systems calculation of the situation might be correct at that specific time that is!

And overrunning such a system by a pilot should raise all kind of electronic transmitted alarms anyway!

Is there an outside camera covering the whole plane nowadays? That a pilot might look at to really see and watch any kind of an outside problem from the cockpit?

There is so many things I wonder about that comes to how to prevent or to fix a possible problem before it's all just too late.

Like for example an ising problem.

Let's say that there was not used enough ice preventing liquid before take off. A plane is suffering from a very bad icing and is just about to fall dead from the sky. - Now what on earth kind of a system really could be made to fix such a situation right there and then in seconds before it's really too late..??

Just think about it>!! :)

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